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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-06-19 15:18:49 查看次数:

Ready to participate in the exhibition in advance to do pay attention to:
    Make full exhibitors to prepare
    The hotel must be prepared enough promotional materials, outside the hotel brochures and business cards should be targeted to patronize the hotel stand on behalf of carefully designed so that interested in materials, otherwise they may be out of the gate, put the publicity materials carelessly throw away, because for them, too many of these materials, perhaps they think is useless. If the hotel to participate in the conference program of fairs, the hotel must provide the information of the reception conferencing capabilities, such as reception, conference facilities, banquet menus, and other relevant information; to participate in the tourism exchange, the hotel must bring interested in make the traveling salesman Hotel Package and other resources. In addition, if the hotel on the booth layout there are special requirements, seeking to be pre-arranged desired auxiliary equipment such as energy, lighting, sound, large screen color TV, etc.; hotel booth require electricity, special equipment or furniture, prepared in advance these devices is essential. In order to achieve the purpose of exhibiting turnover, the hotel should be taken in advance by mail and other forms an impression to potential exhibitors customers. In general, the hotel in advance to obtain a list of to participate in trade fairs units, so the hotel can be mailed to each participating unit, or select some potential customers information about this hotel, which is an effective way for customers opened to the booth door. Of course, the mail data must be innovative, to avoid a general form.
    The pre-show exhibitor staff training, outreach to speak with one voice on what might happen to be simulated in advance. Such as product pricing and other data to a unified view. Exhibitors dress uniform, with the hotel logo badge.
    Professional exhibition will be a lot of peer exhibitors, so the competitors to know ourselves in order to know yourself. A full range of diagnostic pre-show counterparts, including the location of the booth, booth design, product and price.
    Invite customers will visit your booth. The invitation letter should specify the name of the exhibition, the booth number of the hotel, exhibitors and contact, by the way also may be accompanied by introduction about the latest products. The invitation usually in about a month before the show. The benefits of doing so: First, you tell customers you exhibitors, is to pass information you have the strength to exhibitors; exhibitors Please wait passively for clients to become active, the effect is more pronounced; Furthermore, face-to-face much easier to communicate than the telephone or e-mail communication.

(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    企业VI设计网( http://www.rhtimes.com )
    酒店VI设计网( http://www.hotelcis.com )
    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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