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来源:【人和时代・中国】酒店vi设计公司 发布时间:2012-05-27 10:23:43 查看次数:



Duties as a member of the excellent marketing channels, the market area and the rights and responsibilities of members of the various channels is divided

   (1) in co-operation at the beginning, should be clearly the responsibility of both the right division, clear promotion who is responsible for the problem, the commission standard is, how the balance sheet, so as not to lead to future cooperation hinder the unknown responsibility.
   (2) the market area of the channel members should be divided, so as not among the channel members vying for market frictions, conflicts, and some gaps in the market, no one development, affecting sales results; this "internal contradictions" phenomenon customer to question the level and capacity of the hotel business. Limited market potential for development or saturation, in particular, should be clear demarcation of the scope and responsibilities. Of course, this would depend on the specific circumstances, and sometimes restrictions are too harsh, will miss some market opportunities. Left for the good prospects for new markets can be broadly classified based on the greater flexibility.
   (3) determine the target and the deliberations of the travel intermediaries. These objectives should be measurable and available for hotels in the future evaluation of channel performance. The channels can be used to examine their own work situation.
   (4) channels, marketing costs, budgets, resource allocation and timetable should be in the marketing plan are reflected in order to ensure the unity of the marketing mix, as well as the progress of activities of each of the channel members.
   (5) based on a sincere willingness to cooperate, if they encounter different views should be in line with the principle of mutual agreement to resolve, in order to achieve the purpose of "win-win" (Both-Win).
   (6) to strengthen communication between the channel members, made good, positive atmosphere of cooperation. Regular exchange of timely detection of a number of issues, to avoid deterioration of the channel friction upgrade.
    In the evaluation of channel performance, the hotel can not just look at the booking number of the channel members, but also consider the quality of its order, the benefits to the hotel, for example, some travel agencies to bring the order is not a lot, but the guests consumer a high level, lucrative, and can not be overlooked.


(版权所有:转载请注明来源于【人和时代・中国】 http://www.hotelcis.com 作者:先锋)


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    国际CI网( http://www.brandcis.com )


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